Weekly Update - December 2nd, 2016

Minwoo Jung

Minwoo Jung

Continued Growth of The Node.js Platform and Node.js Foundation

The Node.js Foundation announced progress with efforts to make Node.js VM-neutral -- more information on this news can be found on the Node.js Foundation Medium blog. This morning, the Foundation announced it would oversee the Node.js Security Project to further improve stability for enterprises. More information here.

NodeSource announced NodeSource Certified Modules™ to bring security and trust to untrusted, third-party JavaScript. With NodeSource Certified Modules, consumers of the npm ecosystem can now rely on NodeSource as a secure, trusted and verifiable source. Learn more here. The team is also demoing its latest N|Solid: N|Solid v2.0.

Daily Code Coverage Results

  • Now available for Node.js master at: https://coverage.nodejs.org/. Please check results after your major PRs land to ensure coverage is not regressed.
  • This data is also a good way to identify where new tests can be added to improve the overall coverage numbers.
  • We are doing pretty well at 89.37% JS coverage and 88.3% C++ coverage but we can always do better.

Community Updates

If you have spotted or written something about Node.js, do come over to our Evangelism team repo and suggest it on the Issues page, specifically the Weekly Updates issue.

Upcoming Events

Have an event about Node.js coming up? You can put your events here through the Evangelism team repo and announce it in the Issues page, specifically the Weekly Updates issue.

Востаннє оновлено
02 груд. 2016 р.
Час на читання
2 хв
Редагувати цю сторінку
  1. Continued Growth of The Node.js Platform and Node.js Foundation
  2. Daily Code Coverage Results
  3. Community Updates
  4. Upcoming Events